Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank you Nick & Jen....

...for another awesome "Duck Pond @ Dusk" season.
And "Thank You" Suzanne & Jerry {Moon Shine Babies}, for bringing out the "musician" in all of us......"Happy Autumn"!!!"The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards." - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Etsy Workshop, "Free" Art Show & Music.....

1st of all, I want to remind everybody about the last "Duck Pond @ Dusk" for the season. It will be this Wednesday night (October 8th) starting @ 7:00 pm. {POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE} ~ Lots of past musicians, including the "Moon Shine Babies" will be playing. Hope to see you all there!!!!
2ndly, "Poppies Market" will be having their annual "Harvest Open House" on November 15th, starting @ 11:00 am. Booth spaces are totally "free" but limited to a first come/first serve basis. In order to reserve a space, please contact Nancy @ Poppies. Her telephone number is 885-5494. I think this will be a great time for us to get together and talk about how things are going with each other and share some thoughts & ideas. Hope to see you there, too!!!

3rdly, I've been talking to Nick from "Duck Pond Pottery" and we are trying to set a date/time for a "Etsy workshop". We want everybody to come to the workshop and bring your lap-tops, if you have one. No worries if you don't a pen & paper will be just fine for taking notes. We will be talking about setting up an Etsy shop, selling, marketing, packaging, listings, photos, etc. If you are interested, please let me or Nick know and please bring anybody you feel could benefit from selling their handmade goods on the internet! It's awesome!!!

Keep up the good work!!! xx00 & peace always ~ Kathy

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." ~ Aristotle

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mark Carter ~ the mind of an Artist....

Just thought I would share this with everyone, since Mark is also an "Artist of Tranylvania" ~ enjoy ;)

Friday, October 3, 2008

An Autumn Treasury & Words of Wisdom....

Hopefully, this list will make the front page of Etsy! Wouldn't that be awesome! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. Happy Autumn!!!

I don't know if any of you read the interview with today's "featured seller", but I love what she said:

Etsy: What advice would you give to artists who are new to Etsy?

Cristina: Be assured that running an online shop does take a lot of work to do it well. Don’t be afraid to invest a decent amount of time into it. There are millions of sellers and buyers out there, chances are there is a good match for what you sell, don’t give up!