Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Team Info for your Etsy Shop!

Good Morning!!! I have created a profile for our Team on Etsy: ~ please incorporate this into your "Announcement" on your Etsy shop page. You can take a look at mine to see what I'm talking about: ~ I also signed up for a forum for the group: ~ I'm not very familiar with that site, so I would love for someone to try to sign up and post a comment in the forum, just so we can see how it works.

BTW ~ I think the little bat was a perfect avatar for the group! Happy Thursday!!!

xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"Not all who wander are lost" ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hints, Tips & Smart Advice... actually the name of a book I have, but I always thought it was quite a "catchy" title. Now I'm not sure about how much "smart advice" I can give, but hints & tips I'm pretty sure I have plenty to share. What I understand from most people on Etsy is that their biggest challenge is pictures. Of course, when you are photographing jewelry, the challenge is even greater. I've found that you can get the best pictures outside, under the shade of a porch, with indirect sun light, or even better on an overcast day. Use the "macro" setting on your camera and get the lens as close to your subject as possible, without losing the focus. Take at least 10 pictures, at all different angles and use whatever props you have available. I have a giant seashell and several big flat rocks {readily available around here!} that I use most of the time. I also have several childrens picture books that are great for backgrounds, as well:But I guess the most important thing is software, so you can lighten/darken your pictures and crop them to the all requested "Etsy Square"! I personally use "PhotoShop CS Version 8.0", but there are lots of other options. If you want to purchase software, "PhotoShop Elements 5.0" is great. It's not very expensive and you can purchase this book "Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 Classroom In A Book" that will teach you hands on lessons on how to use the program. But, if you want something for "free" that is totally awesome, I would suggest downloading "Picasa 3" from Google. It is a wonderful program and allows you to do tons of really cool things with your pictures. I promise you will love it!

Well, I gotta run for now. I have to get dinner fixed, so we can eat before we head over to "The Duck Pond" for some awesome music! But before I go, I must share this awesome necklace I made with one of "Jen Kott's" Raku Pendants! She just opened her shop on Etsy and it's called "BlazingEarth" ~ Please do check out her awesome designs & Welcome to Etsy & our new team, Jen!!Remember, it's all about networking & the more places you can set up a bio for "free" the better off you will be in the long run. Listed below are all of the places I have set up my bio that have actually brought me customers:

xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" ~ Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Totally "Free" Camera Flash Diffusers...

You know how you get the "evil eye" from people when you point a camera at them and the flash from it literally blinds them for several minutes? Well, there's a totally "free" and really great way to avoid that. If your camera has a pop up flash, you can use an empty clear/opaque film canister {I got several from the local CVS, they have them in a drawer @ the Photo counter}. You just cut out a rectangle with a hobby/exacto knife a little larger than the flash on your camera, so that it will fit on there snug enough to not fall off: And that's it! This also works great for taking photos of your items when you don't want the "flash" taking away from the pictures. Another "free" diffuser is an empty cigarette packet. I've never tried it, but people I know who have says it works great:

xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our Team Has Been Added to Etsy!

Yay!! Our Team has been added to the listings on Etsy: "Artists of Transylvania". Now we can start to build our group and decide what we can do to help each other. Any suggestions are welcome. Just so you all know, I LOVE Etsy! Etsy has changed my life and I hope with the help of each other, it can change lives for all of us here. Thanks for being a part of this {soon to be} great Etsy team!!

There is an article today in the "Etsy Storque" about building teams and goals. When you have time, please try and read through it, so we can all get a little bit more of an understanding of the whole "team" thing. I don't want to be "the boss lady", I want us all to share ideas. Thanks!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hello & Welcome....

I really want to get a street team started for the Artists in Transylvania County. If you are reading this and are an Artist in our area, please, please let me know and you can join our team. Thanks so much & I'm looking forward to getting things going. Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions. My e-mail address is: