Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Totally "Free" Camera Flash Diffusers...

You know how you get the "evil eye" from people when you point a camera at them and the flash from it literally blinds them for several minutes? Well, there's a totally "free" and really great way to avoid that. If your camera has a pop up flash, you can use an empty clear/opaque film canister {I got several from the local CVS, they have them in a drawer @ the Photo counter}. You just cut out a rectangle with a hobby/exacto knife a little larger than the flash on your camera, so that it will fit on there snug enough to not fall off: And that's it! This also works great for taking photos of your items when you don't want the "flash" taking away from the pictures. Another "free" diffuser is an empty cigarette packet. I've never tried it, but people I know who have says it works great:

xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

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