Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A New Online Boutique for North Carolina Artists...

Here is a message I received today, so I'm passing it along to everyone. It's time to get in the "Holiday Shopping Mode" *Yay*:

"I was wondering if you would let the members of the Transylvania etsy street team know about indieNC, an online boutique featuring products exclusively from North Carolina designers. Now we've added a blog featuring multiple contributors (think domino's daily dose) focusing on "hip" North Carolina covering topics like cool business profiles, designer interviews, NC street style, music, green NC, student work & art, road trips, food & more.

Also, we are working on a holiday gift guide featuring North Carolinians so if you have a tip, please send a convo to Michelle Smith."

Hope everyone is going good - we are still working on getting that marketing meeting set up over at the Duck Pond Pottery shop. If you are interested in attending, please respond to this blog post. Please also let me know of anyone else that may be interested. I would like to get a group of at least 10 people before we have the meeting. And, Nick has internet service @ the pottery shop, so that will be available to us.

♥ & peace ~ Kathy

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